Cloud Based

Cloud based storage will make you feel like you are on Cloud 9

Benefits of Cloud-Based storage:

  • Access seamlessly from anywhere.
  • Your data will be secure from hardware breakdowns and malfunctions.
  • Switch between devices and keep the same data across different platforms.

Easy Access on Any Device

Tomo’s cloud-based model allows you to keep track of your timers by accessing Tomo on-the-go from your phone, tablet, or pc, anywhere and at any time. Tomo’s versatility makes it an easy-to-use tool on any of these devices.

Remote Work Capability

Access Tomo while at the office, or at home by simply logging in through any of your devices to start tracking your time remotely with ease. Tomo is always accessible.

Secure Storage

Your data is always secure with Tomo. The tool’s cloud-based functionality ensures that your progress will always be safe, even when working remotely. Never lose your time.

The Tomo way is the smart way

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